- ModeSens /
- 女士古着 /
- Faith Connexion /
- 服装 /
- 连衣裙
The name says it all...FAITH CONNEXION is the alliance of talents aimed at a particular conception of fashion: proposing an extremely chic wardrobe with a Parisian transgressive sassy twist. It’s a proposition of a «VIIIth arrondissement» clothing designed to satisfy sharp-eyed modern girls. The Faith Connexion woman is a sexy Parisienne who appreciates luxury and walks tall in her stiletto heels. Her style is borrowed from rock’n’roll and masculine wardrobes, but never says no to a touch of glamour and sensuality.
性别: 女士 ×
类别: 服装 ×
全新/古着: 古着 ×
子分类: 连衣裙
电商: ×