Brand - Tod's, Color - White, Material - Leather, Dimensions - 24cm x 30.5cm x 16cm / 9.44'' x 12'' x 6.29'', Condition - Rank AB. Rank AB Used - Traces of usage, scratches / dirt can be seen but generally in good condition. Before purchasing, please refer to the images for the exact condition of the item. Before purchasing, please refer to the images of the accessories included with the item. Damage Ranking - Slight Size - One Size
关于 TOD'S
TOD'S(托德斯)是Deigo DellaValle于1970年创立的意大利品牌,主要以生产鞋为主,在天才Deigo DellaValle的经营下成功上市。 TOD'S 是意大利著名的鞋履和包包品牌,特别以集优雅和舒适一身的“TOD'S 豆豆鞋”闻名于世。二十年来他们只有皮底、胶底、软底三款moccasins便鞋及D Bag、Eight Bag 两款皮包。但就是这样的简单却吸引到了戴安娜王妃、摩纳哥公主卡洛琳、沙朗斯通、汤姆汉克斯等世界级的名媛巨星。不管面对明星还是贵族,TOD'S 都能够让人贴近生活又不失身份地舒适着;不管在好莱坞还是纽约上流社会,TOD'S所代表的就是“最顶级又舒适的鞋子”与“最简单但经典的皮包”。